Monday, January 22, 2007

Oh! To Be Like Thee

"You act more like a Christian by your influence on the lost,
than the saved people you impress" Dr. Alvin Reid

As I ponder this quote, it helps me to tweak it a bit and make it more personal:

I act more like Christ by my influence on the lost,
than the saved people I impress.

How can I be more like Jesus and influence the lost as he did?

Jesus sought out lost people. He actually took the time to go out and look for them. He had compassion on them. He befriended them; he defended them, and he loved them in spite of their sin.

I go to church with Christians. I work with Christians. My friends are Christians. How do I befriend the lost without being swept away by the influence of their companionship?

Jesus established deep roots so that he could not be swept away. He had a close, intimate relationship with the father, God. He talked with his father throughout the day; he meditated on scripture. He talked to others about God daily, keeping Him in the forefront of his mind. His constant companions were men who were committed to changing their lives and following Him, no matter the cost.

In church, we talk about hating the sin, not the sinner, but how do I do that as Jesus did? I must confess that I tend to have stronger feelings against the lost who openly live in sin and claim no relationship with God, than I do the fellow Christian who struggles with sin as I do, yet desires to follow Jesus.

Jesus taught that we should no more hate the lost for sinning than we would the blind for not seeing or the deaf for not hearing. He chose compassion. They were, after all, lost. He patiently showed them the way. He encouraged them and gave them hope. Jesus gave more responsibility to the saved, pointing out that it would be better not to know the truth, than to know it and turn away from it. His anger was reserved for those in church leadership, who had the ability to influence others and lead them astray.

Oh! to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer,
this is my constant longing and prayer;
Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures,
Jesus thy perfect likeness to wear.

Oh! to be like Thee, full of compassion,
loving, forgiving, tender and kind;
Helping the helpless, cheering the fainting,
Seeking the wand’ring sinner to find.

Oh! to be like Thee, lowly in spirit,
Holy and harmless, patient and brave;
Meekly enduring cruel reproaches,
Willing to suffer, others to save.

Oh! to be like Thee, Lord, I am coming,
Now to receive th’ anointing divine;
All that I am and have I am bringing,
Lord, from this moment all shall be Thine

Oh! to be like Thee. Oh! to be like Thee,
blessed Redeemer, pure as thou art.
Come in thy sweetness. Come in thy fullness.
Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.

Thomas O. Chisholm, pub.1897


Lori said...

"Jesus taught that we should no more hate the lost for sinning than we would the blind for not seeing or the deaf for not hearing. He chose compassion." AMEN..

Many times it does have to be a choice.

Thank you so much for writing this. I too want to be like Jesus and reach out with compassion and love.

Becky said...

Laurel Wreath,
Thanks for your comments. I loved your post on the subject as well.

Anonymous said...

You are right, Becky - If we stay rooted in His word, we need not to fear the 'outside' world. He keeps us strong to withstand the pitfalls of the world.
Thank you for sharing those people words at the end of your post. I have never heard/read them.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this week's quote...
Blessings, Iris

Anonymous said...

Such heart-hitting thoughts. I loved the song too. Thanks for sharing.

Miriam Pauline said...

"He actually took the time to go out and look for them."

This speaks to me so much because I, like you, tend to be around Christians much of the time. I need to be like Jesus and seek out the lost and not wait for them to come to me.

Becky said...

The poem at the end is a hymn that was often sung in the church in which I grew up. It does have beautiful sentiment. Thanks for your comments.

Becky said...

Jesus does have a way of going to the heart of the matter. Thanks for writing.

Becky said...

This is something I really need to work on. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Denise said...

A big amen, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Becky said...

Thanks, Denise, for stopping by!

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

I really enjoyed your post and the poem. I love what you wrote about being "rooted." So true. May we all stay rooted but grow outwards like Jesus did.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts in the context of what would Jesus do! Very touching!


Amydeanne said...

I understand where you're coming from.. the open sin bother's me too.. I'm working on getting over that, and God is working on me!
Thanks for the lovely post! So very true!

Becky said...

Thanks for stopping by. I'm working on the rooted part.

Becky said...

I appreciate your comments. If I don't continually think of what Jesus would do, there's no telling what I would do!

Becky said...

I'm sure God is working on quite a few of this in that regard. Thanks for sharing.

Especially Heather said...

Jesus taught that we should no more hate the lost for sinning than we would the blind for not seeing or the deaf for not hearing.

His compassion is far reaching- into eternity! Thank you for sharing today, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post!


Taya @ Delightful! said...

I loved your post. I also appreciate that you based everything on how Jesus would act in these situations! Because, really, I want to be more like Jesus!

Sharon said...

Becky, thanks for posting this CWO "In Other Words"! (I forget to check the meme). When I read yours the Lord immediately laid something upon my heart to say, and so I participated too. You're always inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for blessing me today!

Becky said...

Thanks. I need to be more compassionate like Jesus. Thanks for sharing.

Becky said...

Don't we all! Years ago when the WWJD bracelets, I know people tired of them, but it really was helpful for remembering.

Becky said...

Thanks, Sharon. I can't wait to read yours! You are always so encouraging.

Janis Rodgers said...

"I must confess that I tend to have stronger feelings against the lost who openly live in sin and claim no relationship with God, than I do the fellow Christian who struggles with sin as I do, yet desires to follow Jesus."

This really spoke to me. I do have a problem with this. I tend to not see them as Christ sees them and I am trying to work on that. Thanks for visiting my blog! Blessings!

Becky said...

Thank you for your comments. I enjoyed your website and will return!