Sunday, September 07, 2008

Read the Label

I like to take yogurt to work so that when I get the mid-morning hungries, I can have a quick, moderately healthy snack. So today I was in a long morning meeting, and when we took a break, I hurried to the kitchen with yogurt on my mind. I grabbed my yogurt, rushed back to my office and plopped in my chair, primed and ready to plunge my spoon into its creamy goodness.

However, it seems that in my haste to leave home this morning, I had grabbed, not my yogurt, but Egg Beaters. So, here I am, sitting at my desk with a hungry fist-full of raw egg whites. I'm really perplexed, because I am absolutely certain that I brought yogurt. On the outside, at a glance, it looks like yogurt in size, shape, and feel. I am deceived by what I see on the outside. On the inside, it is something different entirely.

I'm sure there is a lesson in there somewhere.

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