I started this blog in July of 2006.
For a little over a year I made several entries a week, which slowed down to two per week, then one. Finally, I just stopped.
I discovered the other day to my chagrin that my last entry was almost one year ago. It is kind of like losing touch with an old friend. Weeks fly by, months pass, and suddenly you cannot remember the last time you talked. You reflect on all that has happened since you last spoke and wonder if you should get together, but you dread the awkwardness, the stammering explanations of how busy you have been and why it has been so long since you have called, or, worse yet, returned the call.
Maybe blogging won’t be that way. Maybe it will be like those really comfortable friends who you can call every once in a while and pick up where you left off since the last time you called. No stammering, no awkwardness, no explanations, just sharing each other’s lives and enjoying each other’s company.
I’m hoping blogging is that kind of friend.
Good post...knock em' dead tomorrow.
Glad you're back!
Welcome back mom!
yea! Let's see if I can keep it up!
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