My daughter, Sweet Pea, spent six weeks in
Sweet Pea also went with a group from college to
We went out to eat with some friends to a fancy restaurant. They ordered the French delicacy, escargot…that’s snails to you and me. As they dug around in those little snail shells with their little snail skewers, I could not help but stare. Snails look just as slimy cooked and on a plate as they do inching around my flower bed!
I ate squirrel once in
I ate turtle soup once in
I ate armadillo chili once in
So what is that makes some foods appetizing and other foods revolting, without even trying them? I can eat cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and even the occasional lamb. I would even eat deer, snake, duck or rabbit if one were killed, prepared, and cooked (without my knowledge) and just appeared at my dinner table.
I cannot, however, eat a horse, dog, cat, rodent (except for the above-mentioned squirrel), goat, monkey, or any other zoo animal or household pet. I also draw the line at insects. I did swallow a gnat once while jogging. Didn’t taste like anything, but I tried to cough it up, nevertheless.
I think of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah who were among the young men of
For me, it is a culture thing. I was raised to eat certain foods and disdain others. It takes great courage for me to eat an animal I have not eaten before, but some are completely off limits.
What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
I don't have courage for strange and unusual food items. I didn't even try Chinese food (and that was at a restaurant) until I was well in my 20's. :0)
That question reminded me of an old SNL spoof. I did a quick search and couldn't believe I found the transcript at: http://snltranscripts.jt.org/86/86qheaven.phtml The part goes like this...
Deceased: Well. Let's see.. what's the grossest thing I ever ate?
Angel: You don't want to know.
Deceased: Oh. Okay. What about the 200th grossest thing?
Angel: Okay.. that would be some butterscotch pudding that had a dead earwig in it.
Deceased: [ grimaces ] Oh, gross! You mean I never tasted it!
Angel: Well, you made this very funny face.. but you were watching a football game on TV at the time..
Haha! Thanks for writing. Glad to be in touch again!
Asparagus? (I'm a finicky eater.)
I actually love snails...
I ate snake once without knowing and promptly tried to bring it up when I was told it was snake meat!
ASPARAGUS?! Ok, I shouldn't act so haughty. I started force feeding vegetables as an adult before I finally developed a taste for them. Before that it was only potatoes and corn, which are just barely vegetables.
Juliet Paul,
Yes to snails but no to snakes? To each his own! Thanks for sharing.
While living in Japan I ate many "interesting" things. I actually enjoyed octopus and sashimi (raw fish) but did not like raw shrimp (so slimy!) or "nato," fermented beans, which the Japanese love! They think Oatmeal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are gross. While most of the time I enjoyed the food, I can't tell you how much I craved a good burrito or grilled cheese sandwich!
Now that you mention it, I had fried octopus once, on a cruise, I think. Didn't care much for it. I am pretty grossed out by that other stuff you ate,though. Hope you and your honey are having a wonderful new year!
The grossest thing I've ever had was pea's...I cant stand them... I think it is more of a texture thing than anything but YUCK!
I certainly understand texture issues. For me, it includes: mushrooms, cantelope, and oysters.
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