This year was no exception. The kids were great on the buses. We stayed in the same condo that we have used for many years. There were four girls in my condo, and they were all very well-behaved. They were considerate of each other and followed the rules of curfew every night. One girl in my condo developed altitude sickness the first day and ended up flying home on the third day. Other than that and a couple of minor injuries, the whole week ran smoothly.
There was one blip in the whole trip. One of the girls in my room discovered $60.00 missing. She had hidden it at the bottom of her clothes drawer. She alerted the sponsors, who promptly alerted the front desk at the condo. We did not want to believe that someone in housekeeping had taken the money as we had never had any problems of this sort in the 15 years that we have used this condo; we just felt it important to let them know. The sponsors felt that more than likely, the culprit was one of our own, not because this person needed the money, but out of a desire to hurt that girl.
When the rest of the class found out about the missing money, they took action. The senior class president went to each member of the class and asked if they wanted to contribute a dollar or two to the fund to replace her money. On the last day of the trip as we circled around to pray together, he announced that this class felt very strongly that they did not want the actions of one person to taint the reputation of the entire class. He presented her with an envelope filled with $128.00 that they had collected on her behalf. What a strong message this sent, not only to her, but to whoever stole her money.
“Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.”
I Timothy 6:18-19